PT. Multi One Plus offered new products to American buyers. After winning the Indonesian market with their innovative products and competitive price, they are ready to expand their business to USA. PT. MOP is looking for long term partners and distributors.

To start the year of 2022, etoobai organized its first event on January 10th, a closed buyer meeting that brings together PT. Multi One Plus with potential buyers. The event is to create leads as well as larger networks.
etoobai is very grateful to be able to work together with The Economic Affairs from The Consulate of The Republic Indonesia in Houston, TX. The event was opened by The Consul for The Economic Affairs, Mrs. Ita Puspitasari. Present at the meeting were 4 potential buyers from our network and 2 potential buyers from The Consulate’s network.
It is part of our commitment to our member of directory to follow up inquiries and provide one-stop solutions to buyers to make buying from Indonesia easier.