Etoobai is committed to helping expand the market for local Indonesian manufacturers abroad, especially the United States. One of the concrete forms of our efforts to realize our vision is to bring together producers with potential buyers, as was the case on 31 October 2023. We brought together PT Urban Plastic, a manufacturer and exporter of plastic-based products located in West Jakarta specialized in geomembranes, as well as woven and non-woven geotextiles, with thread protectors & pipe protection manufacturers from Texas, USA via Zoom meeting. The meeting went very well; Prospective buyer was interested in making PT Urban Plastic their material supplier, replacing the previous supplier from China. During the meeting, it was also discussed how Indonesian manufacturers actually have the potential to become suppliers of quality goods to be marketed or reprocessed abroad. However, further discussion is required regarding the specifications from buyers as well as the prices that can compete with suppliers from other countries.
You can also meet and discuss with potential buyers directly by becoming a member of etoobai.com–If you choose to join by becoming our Silver or Platinum member, one of the benefits is meeting one-on-one with potential buyers and we will facilitate the shipment to send samples there. To find more information regarding the benefits of becoming our member, visit the Join Our Directory tab on our website.